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Website Management

We can design and manage a stand alone conference website, this will carry extensive information on the conference including the latest scientific/academic programme, speaker details, social programme and general information to ensure delegates get the most of their time in the conference.  There are also live links to the online delegate registration and abstract submission system. 

Conference websites can be updated regularly with conference news, blogs and is linked to the conference social networking sites.  Sponsors can also be given the opportunity to promote their company on the website, giving them a head start with their marketing campaign well in advance to the start of the conference.

If you wish to see examples of other websites we have designed and managed for our clients please click on the conference logos below:




You may also wish to consider using videos on your website to carry pre-conference interviews with keynote speakers.  As well as raising the profile of the conference and making it stand out from the competition, it also helps to begin the debate on hot topics before the conference has even begun.  We used this to great effect for the EuroPD conferences that we have managed for a number of years.

We set up a series of 8 interviews which were broadcast in the run up to the conference.  We featured highlights of the content in the electronic newsletter which was sent to delegates and the number of hits the website received soared after each broadcast announcement.