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Marketing & Promotion

We have extensive marketing and communications experience and can advise you on the best way to reach your potential audience using both electronic and print media. 

We arrange the design and printing of all pre-conference materials including Call for Papers, Registration Brochures, Interim and Final Programmes, Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings.  We can also arrange for the design of advertisements for associated journals.

We engage the sponsors and exhibitors in the marketing process and provide them with all of our publicity materials such as Posters, PowerPoint slides, pdf files etc.  We feel it is the interest of both the conference and its supporters to ensure maximum publicity is achieved.   All conferences and societies need the financial support from industry and there are huge benefits to involving the companies as ‘partners’ rather than thinking of them as just an ‘income stream’.

We are also proactive in marketing our events though social networking, using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to regularly communicate conference news.  We find this is a great way to engage with younger potential delegates and creates a real buzz in the lead up to the conference