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Abstract Submission

We offer a simple, but sophisticated electronic abstract submission system which is password protected.  This allows authors to amend their abstracts up to the deadline date and reviewers can access the system at any point to begin reviewing papers.  Authors receive instant confirmation that their abstract has been received and the reviewing process is also done on-line.  We can arrange for the abstracts to be printed in hard copy, CD Rom or other media.

Poster Sessions

In our opinion the poster sessions are as important as the oral sessions and there should be sufficient time in the programme to ensure delegates have the opportunity to view them and meet with the authors.  We often arrange dedicated poster sessions which are led by an experienced discussant.  This can either take the form of conducted ‘tours’ of selected poster boards where each member of the group is given a headset so that they can clearly hear the discussant’s conversation with the author.  Alternatively, delegates are encouraged to browse at their leisure and then can sit in on a mini symposium with a handpicked selection of posters where the presenter highlights key points from their work.

Where space has been at a premium at the conference venue, we have arranged for the posters to be displayed on plasma screens rather than a traditional board.

Whichever method is adopted, we will communicate with the authors on what they are expected to do and at what point in the programme they should be available to be by their poster.